Education Committee: The Education Committee will strive to provide current and innovative educational opportunities for cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation professionals and students. This will include networking with educational institutions, enhancing the Disease Management website, and organizing the annual state conference.
Chair: Kari Weber
Innovation Committee: The Innovation Committee will support, advocate and promote program and professional ingenuity across the state by challenging members to “think outside the box” and try new initiatives in order to promote high value programs.
Chair: Mike Nelson
Membership Relations Committee: The mission of the Membership Relations Committee is to act as an avenue by which MNACVPR conveys information/education to the members, as well as outreach to non-members and MN hospital systems. We are currently working on developing a distribution list that includes members and a contact within every hospital in MN that has a cardiac and/or pulmonary rehabilitation program.
Chair: Vacant
Telecommunications Committee: The Telecommunications Committee will support our website and social media platforms and provide the means for webinar and virtual conference opportunities all of which to share valuable information for our members.
Chair: Aaron Pergolski